Monday, October 29, 2007

Rosalynd's palms

These are Rosalynd's palms. She is left handed and 27 years old. These are tricky for me to read since I know her well. I have actually used these palms as practice from the beginning of my training. As I have mentioned before, it is easier to read the hands of strangers because I don't have any personal information to cloud my reading. In these photos, some finger tips are cut off, but notice how her mercury (pinkie) and Apollo (ring) fingers curve in towards her Saturn finger on her right hand. This shows her tendency to allow her mood and emotions get in the way of her success and communication. Her left pinkie is also very twisted but you can't see it in the above image. I always joke around with her that she is a liar because a twisted pinkie indicates deceitful speech. It is a common finger characteristic of an actor. I know from personal experience that she holds a lot back in what she has to say. Her life line arches far from her thumb, meaning she wants to get out and see the world. Her head line is long and deep and has a steep drop at the end. When a head line is long and deep, it means the person is intelligent and has a great ability to concentrate on problems. In her case, she might concentrate on problems too often. Since her line curves, she is more of a creative thinker than a practical thinker. It is a little hard to see in this photo, but she does have traces of a double head line which indicates financial success. Rosalynd's heart line curves and extends up to Jupiter, which means she is rather idealistic and romantic when it comes to love. Her heart line also has many chains, revealing that she wants personal contact but is afraid of rejection and is easily hurt. This is an unfortunate combination. (My love line is very similar to this, so I can sympathize.) Rosalynd's fate line is short and crossed. She is lacking motivation at times because of different obstacles in her path. She should probably start giving offerings to Ganesh to help out in this aspect. But since she has traces of the double head line, she has enough motivation to become successful.

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